When tragedy strikes a family, one of the first things people look for are photos of their loved ones.
Portraits capture the love, the relationships and the feelings that we share with one another. It is something that may seem costly at first but families that take the time and invest in professional portraits create a legacy for themselves and for future generations.
As time goes by and one year slips into the next, I realize how important it is to look back on old family portraits. I am comforted by seeing the beautiful images of my family members who are no longer with us. Fortunately for me, my family took the time to create that legacy... that memory.
You never can tell what the future holds. The time to create your family legacy is now.
We are offering specially priced portrait packages through the month of April for anyone who would like to create a legacy of their own.
~Yes. It's that important to me.
Mention this post to receive up to 50% off selected
"Creating a Legacy" portrait collections.
now 248-560-3100 or email a note with Creating a Legacy in the subject line. Don't wait until it's too late.